Information about rare diseases

Doctor’s advice,
association contacts from the entire region
We present to you a unique regional project, the Database of Rare Diseases, which was founded in 2017 in cooperation with ( The Rare Disease Database is a unique resource that collects and advances knowledge about rare diseases to improve the diagnosis, care and treatment of patients with rare diseases and to provide support to physicians, patients with rare diseases and their families.
On the page, it is possible to search for rare diseases according to various criteria (disease name, OMIM, ORPHAcode), where you can read more about the requested disease in Serbian, Macedonian, Croatian and English. A memorandum of cooperation on this important project was signed with national organizations for rare diseases in the region.
As a relevant source of data, the Database of Rare Diseases is available on the website of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia.
We are very proud that, in cooperation with, the Rare Disease Database has become a credible and recognizable platform for patients and doctors as part of the European system.
A call to doctors
We invite doctors and other healthcare professionals to get involved and help with advice or find answers that will help patients.
A call to patients
We invite patients, their family members and associations to get involved, ask questions and share experiences.
We invite you
We invite individuals, companies and the entire interested public to get involved and help raise the visibility of this project.
The database of rare diseases is a unique regional project whose goal is to shorten the time to diagnosis and provide broad support to patients suffering from rare diseases.
The database is periodically updated and you can contribute to the improvement of the portal and its content in the appropriate segments with your suggestions, information and knowledge.
Rare diseases
The mission of the Rare Disease Database is to provide assistance to patients and physicians and to raise public awareness of rare diseases.

Companies and institutions that have helped the Rare Disease Foundation